Get Accurate Mailing Lists at Affordable Prices!

Multichannel Marketing Puts You in Front of Customers

Reach your audience, no matter where they are

To reach new customers, you need to be where they are…and they are everywhere. Multichannel marketing is the key to reaching prospects at any time, in any place.

  • 60% of multichannel marketers attribute increases of more than 10% in revenue to their multi-channel marketing programs
    (Forrester, May 2012, “The Multichannel Maturity Mandate”)
  • Content published on 2 or 3 channels has a 24% increase in customer engagement
    (“Stand out social market” Michael Lewis)
  • 72% of consumers want an integrated marketing approach
    (E-tailing Group, June 2011, “4th annual Consumer Insights Survey”)
  • 84% of participants reported that direct mail improves multi-channel campaign performance. (, 2020)
  • 86% of shoppers regularly channel-hop across a minimum of two channels (CommerceHub, 2020).

So by reaching prospects through multiple channels, you’re giving them what they want. With good data, you can craft your integrated marketing plan to catch your customers when they’re most ready to buy.

Find the right marketing channels for your customers

Mailing Lists Direct helps you develop a plan that incorporates traditional direct marketing with telemarketing, email, social media, mobile messaging, co-registration, and more simultaneously to get the biggest bang out of your marketing efforts.

Our multichannel marketing solutions enable you to deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time in the right channel—whatever that channel might be. Our mailing list data gives you more than names, it gives you insight into buying patterns, channel preferences, and more.

This insight into your customer’s behaviors allows you to create integrated marketing campaigns optimized across all channels and lines of business. A targeted strategy leads to more efficient campaigns, higher customer retention, and lower overall marketing costs.

Our multichannel marketing services include:

  • Cross-channel engagements
  • Creative campaigns that extend and strengthen client brands
  • Measurable marketing results with meaningful ROI
  • New customers that mirror your existing best customers

When all the components of your integrated marketing campaign come together successfully, the results are exceptional: increased revenue, greater customer retention, better use of money and resources, a bigger return investment on your marketing dollar, and a lower cost to acquire and retain new customers. Get started today!

Need help? Call 800-741-0116 to speak with a mailing list expert, email us, or submit a count request detailing your list needs. Or access our online count and ordering system.

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Personalized Direct Mail

Create a Personalized Mail Piece

How to Create a Personalized Direct Mail Piece Adding personalized elements to your mail piece increases response rates. Mail recipients prefer to receive mailers that

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