Get Accurate Mailing Lists at Affordable Prices!

8 Reasons to Purchase an Email List

An accurate email list has the power to jumpstart new businesses or give some much-needed traction to older businesses. Purchasing an email list is a low-cost approach to increase sales and brand recognition. However, it is important to keep in mind that the email list you are provided with, may not be the cause of poor results and the creativity and message may be to blame. In many cases, the message and creativity used in cold email sends aren’t attractive or don’t directly speak to the email receiver. This leads to more unsubscribes and a lack of purchases. Many companies will blame the list they were provided with, but in most cases the list is accurate and the emails were delivered… they just weren’t wanted.

#1 Purchasing An Email List Is A Quick Way To Gain Clients

For businesses starting out, it can be tough to rely on people trying to find your new website through Google or the clutter of social media. Especially when you are looking to gain leads and grow right at the start. This is where purchasing an email list can really help. Targeted email lists can help gain you, new customers, directly, they can reply directly to your email, visit your website, or even book a time to meet with you through the email itself. However they want to reach out, they now have the option to and have the option of choosing your company. Prior to your email send, the company may not have heard of you and now they have and have ways of contacting you. Indirectly, your email could be the very element that triggers the receiver to search for your service online or brand through search engines.

#2 A Well Timed Email Can Lead To Sales

Every day workers are faced with new challenges and consumers want to purchase products and services, from needing accounting help to needing a new car. You never know when a potential customer needs your product, or do you know? Email lists have expanded in the last few years to include lists of “in-market” purchasers. These “In-market” audiences are perfect for sending emails to, knowing that they have some interest in your product. Also, lists can include those who have purchased the product or service in the past. A well-timed and well-written email can sway the purchaser away from your competitors and toward your brand.

#3 Increases Brand Awareness

Your brand is now in your target audience’s inbox. “Americans Spend 5 Hours a Day on Email” (Small Biz Trends, 2019). Knowing that Americans spend so much time reading emails, brings a high probability that they will see your email. The more that your messages are seen in your target market’s email inbox, the more brand recognition you receive. This is the expectation as long as you don’t end up in a spam folder or receive a large number of unsubscribed.

#4 Set It and Forget It Email Funnels

Prior to purchasing an email list, businesses should set up an email drip funnel. These are great ways to keep your email list engaged over time. Why is this a benefit to purchasing an email list? because email lists don’t have to be a one-time use. You can create email funnels for those that reach out or open the emails and continue to have your brand in front of them after the initial email is sent. After perfecting the funnel, you no longer need to touch it. Meaning it has a low cost of operation with a chance of bringing in new leads. Having said all this, it is important to either have a way for unsubscribed emails to leave your funnel or have a systematic way of removing those emails from your list.

#5 Targeted Email Lists

With the growth in machine learning, 3rd party email lists are more accurate than ever before. Not only are they more accurate, but more selections are available to target including purchasing behavior, in-market signals, and more detailed demographics. Click here, for targeted lists and email list services.

Do understand that 100% deliverability is never possible, top-notch companies strive for 95% deliverability or better. However, there are some low-cost email lists in the industry, that you need to watch out for since their lists will have less than 80% deliverability.

#6 Easy To Set Up

Getting started with purchasing an email list is simple. First, determine who you are looking to target. Next, speak with a list broker about your exact needs and proceed to purchase your list. Afterward, find an appropriate email deployment platform to send from, since most do not allow 3rd part mailing list sends. Finally, send out your desired email and record the results.

#7 Great Way To A/B Test Email Messages

Maybe your team is between 2 different creatives or offers and aren’t sure which one your target market will be more receptive toward. Well, a purchased email send can be A/B tested via email on your market. This will allow you to receive direct feedback on what message is better received by your target market. Not to mention that A/B testing through email is way less expensive and less effort than billboards, direct mail and other marketing channels.

#8 Instant Feedback

Unlike other marketing channels, email marketing can provide almost instant feedback. Whether you look at the open rates, click-through rates, or replies, all of this information is easily accessible. Data gathered from email marketing is easily understood and the results of your effort can be determined within a week of sending the email. This feedback is essential in determining if you should run another email campaign, change your messaging or pursue other marketing efforts.


Buy from a reliable list broker, they can help guide you through the process of purchasing the best reputable email list for your business and one with the highest expected return on spending. They can also help ensure that your target audience is the exact leads delivered to you.

It’s truly important prior to sending out any emails to a 3rd party list, that you read through the email deployment guidelines to help avoid being blacklisted and avoid your email from being sent to a spam inbox. Also, it is important to read and understand today’s email design best practices. These 2 guides, will help ensure the greatest success for your purchased email list and email sends.

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