Our Newly Engaged Mailing List helps you market to couples in life’s happiest moment. With our targeted list of accurate records, you can reach prospective brides and grooms who are starting their wedding planning.
Many couples search for wedding venues, groomsmen gifts, menus, invitations, DJs, decorations, flowers, wedding cakes, bridal gowns, tuxedos, and more.
Newly engaged couples are also looking to make major lifestyle adjustments. They discuss where they are going to live, and are usually looking into purchasing a new home, or researching apartment living. They will purchase items such as new furniture, washers, dryers, landscaping materials, kitchen appliances, home decor, and automobiles.
These couples also subscribe and are interested in:
- Wedding magazines
- Blogs
- Visit bridal shops
- Research honeymoon destinations
- Attend bridal expos
Reach the Right Couples at the Right Time
The Best Campaigns Start with the Right Mailing List
Search, Order and Download
Download a database of qualified contacts within minutes and start connecting with customers.
Guaranteed Delivery
We guarantee a deliverability rate of over 95% on our records. All contacts are opted in and follow CAN-SPAM compliance.
Advanced Geo-Targeting
Reach potential customers from all over the country. Target by zip code, city, state and postal codes.
CRM-Ready Files
Download your contacts instantly in a .CSV format for easy CRM integration. Just upload and start networking.
Affordable Pricing
Our quality email lists help our customers make B2B connections at a fair and affordable price.
Accurate and Targeted
All of our lists are updated regularly and monitored by our team of data experts.